Kindergarten Class:
The curriculum is suitable for young children (~4 to 6) with varying levels of proficiency in Mandarin. Lessons are interactive and provide chances for students to be immersed in Chinese culture, begin to build their Chinese vocabulary, and learn pinyin. Learning themes include: Numbers (1-10), My Family, Good Habits for Health, and Nature. With an emphasis on students’ understanding, 3 to 4 themes can be covered in a year, which equates to about 20+ characters. Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese is used in class. Assessments of students’ learning will be done through participation in class, weekly homework, and term exams.
Mandarin – L1 (7 and above)
The curriculum is suitable for students of different grade levels and with varying levels of proficiency in Mandarin. Following the Go Chinese 100-800 – according to the student’s Chinese level – textbook, the lessons will provide chances for students to be immersed in Chinese culture, build their Chinese vocabulary, and communicate comfortably in daily life settings through listening, speaking, reading, writing, and typing (the school will provide students with computers to learn Chinese by typing). Learning themes include: Numbers, Greetings, Introductions, Recognition of Dates and Times, Family Members, Currency, Making Phone Calls, Directions and topics of Current Affairs/Events. With an emphasis on students’ understanding of material, anywhere from 5 to 10 chapters can be covered in a year. Both Traditional and Simplified Chinese are used in class. Assessments on students’ learning will be done through participation in class, weekly homework, and term exams.
這個課程適合不同年級以及不同普通話水平的學生。跟著Go 100-800教材 – 隨之學生的中文水平 - 以及通過聼,說,讀,寫,和打字 。學生會有機會瞭解學習中國文化,積纍漢語詞,也能學會怎樣在日常生活中用普通話溝通。學校會提供電腦讓學生練習打字。課程主題包括:數字,自我介紹,問候,日期和時閒的識別,家庭成員,貨幣,打電話,方向感,事件和新聞。一年的内容可以涵蓋5-10章,以加强學生對材料的理解。課堂會使用繁體和簡體中文。學生的學習評估是通過課堂參與,每周作業和學期考試進行。
这个课程适合不同年级以及不同普通话水平的学生。跟着Go 100-800教材 – 随之学生的中文水平 - 以及通过听,说,读,写,和打字 。学生会有机会了解学习中国文化,积累汉语词,也能学会怎样在日常生活中用普通话沟通。学校会提供电脑让学生练习打字。课程主题包括:数字,自我介绍