Instructor Biography
Miriam Chu
Hello! I am Miriam Chu, a licensed teacher in Hong Kong. To further develop my field of education, I am currently studying in Early Childhood Education in Saskatchewan Polytechnic. My Bachelor of Education degree was obtained from The University of Hong Kong and I had all my previous education in Hong Kong. I enjoy working with children and promoting Cantonese that can facilitate the communication between younger generations and their family.
你好!我是香港持牌教師朱老師。為了進一步擴闊我的教育領域,我目前正在Saskatchewan Polytechnic修讀幼兒教育。我在香港大學取得教育學士學位﹐並在香港接受過中小學教育。我喜歡與孩子們一起互動和推廣粵語,促進年輕一代和他們的家人交流。
Erikson Wong
Hi! My name is Ericson Wong, a master student in University of Saskatchewan in Educational Foundation and is a qualified teacher in Saskatchewan and Hong Kong. I was born in Hong Kong and finished my K-12 education there. I received teacher-education in The University of Hong Kong. Although my teaching expertise was in science and mathematics education, I found my knowledge in education applicable in Cantonese teaching. Most importantly I found teaching Cantonese meaningful and fun!
你好!我是黃老師,是University of Saskatchewan教育碩士生,持有沙省和香港的教師牌照。我在香港長大﹐並在當地完成了中小學教育。我在香港大學取得榮譽教育學士。我的教學專長雖是科學和數學教育,但我發現我能把我的教育知識應用於粵語教學。最重要的是,我發現教粵語既有意義又有趣!
Yuri Li
Hello, I am Teacher Yuri. I studied Infant and Toddler Education Practice and Care when I was in HK, and has been teaching Chinese-related subjects at Heritage Chinese Language School for more than 4 years and my pedagogical approach is to incorporate art and culture into Chinese language education. I am also recently a part time teacher in Magic Ink Art Studio. It is my experience and belief that children's creativity and logical thinking can be best cultivated through fun art crafts, games and activities under a relaxing learning environment.
大家好,我是Yuri老師。我在香港已完成嬰幼兒教育實踐與護理專業課程,並在沙城華語學校教授中文相關科目超過4年,我的中文教學方法是將藝術和文化融入中文教育。我現時亦於 Magic Ink Art Studio 擔任兼職教師。Yuri 老師深信透過有趣的工藝品、遊戲和活動能啟發小朋友創意及思維,亦能於輕鬆環境下學習得更好。
Lisa Shen
Hello! My name is Lisa Shen and I am a third-year undergraduate student attending the University of Saskatchewan. I have had the privilege of being both a teacher assistant, and a teacher at Heritage Chinese Language School. Being born and raised in Canada and being a graduate from the school, I have a passion for helping future generations learn about the Chinese culture and language as I think it is so important for one to reconnect with their heritage roots and learn about a new culture! Teaching Mandarin has brought upon a new appreciation for the culture and language, and the experience has been exciting and fulfilling!
你好, 我是沈麗莎,是沙城大学三年级的学生。今年是我第三年在沙城華語學校教課!非常高興能夠在這裏教學!因爲我是在加拿大土生土長的,也是沙城話語學校的畢業生,我知道學中文和中文文化有多重要。因此,我對教中文非常有興趣。自從我開始教中文課,我得到了很多經驗也對文化和語言有新的欣賞!
Grace Wiebe
Hello! My name is Grace Wiebe and I am this years extra-curricular coordinator, as well as the yo-yo instructor. I am a French immersion high school student and take part in many culture inclined activities throughout my community. In my spare time, I practice Wushu (Chinese Martial Arts) and I am a member of the Senior Canadian National Wushu team. As a previous Heritage Language School student, I recognize the importance of the extra-curriculars and I am grateful to offer students the opportunity to enrich their culture in a more relaxed and lighthearted manner.
你好!我的名字是 Grace Wiebe,我是今年的課外活動協調員,也是溜溜球教練。我是一名法語沉浸式高中生,並參加了我所在社區的許多文化活動。在業餘時間,我練習武術(中國武術),我是加拿大高級國家武術隊的成員。作為以前的傳統語言學校學生,我認識到課外活動的重要性,我很高興為學生提供機會以更輕鬆和輕鬆的方式豐富他們的文化。
Qiyu Yang
Hello! My name is Vilita Yang and I am an undergraduate student at the University of Saskatchewan. This is my first year as a teacher assistant at Heritage Chinese Language School. I love learning with children, and I hope I can make children enjoy the process of learning Chinese.
Kong Liqun
Kong Liqun is an experienced vocal music teacher with 30 years of experience. She began her career as a solo singer at the Gansu Provincial Song and Dance Music Theater and has since taught vocal music for many years. She was also a credit course teacher at HCLS. She founded the "Ge Zhi Yun" choir, which has helped develop the talents of singing enthusiasts in Saskatoon. In the upcoming year, she will be setting up a singing class for HCLS kids, offering them the opportunity to develop
their singing skills.